C5 User Profile Isn't Keeping Current with SQL Database
I'm creating some single pages to manage my users and since I haven't found any helpers that work exactly the way I'd like them to, I've taken do using direct DB SQL commands to set some of my custom variables. When I look through mysql, I cans see that I've updated UserSearchIndexAttributes, but when I look through the C5 backend, those fields aren't updated. When I run my scripts against those same variables I am getting the updated results back, and everything is working for now, but am I going down a rabbit hole? I think I'm okay with the C5 user search not working, but I want to make sure that if I go and build everything out like this I'm not going to regret it down the road.
Btw... I tried clearing my cache... didn't do anything. Is there another table that the Search page is drawing information from?
Btw... I tried clearing my cache... didn't do anything. Is there another table that the Search page is drawing information from?