C5.8.1 and Varnish (how to have C5 return the correct Cache-control headers) SOLVED
I am trying to use varnish 5.0 to cache a number of C5 websites. The varnish config is setup and working. The problem I have is that the website content is not being cached. Digging into the issue it would seem that C5 is outputting a Cache-Cointrol: No-cache in the returned header which varnish is then respecting by not caching the pages. In C5 I have all of the a caching switched on in C5, I have added a cache control directive in the page header-top.php to use caching but all I get is no-cache. I am at a loss on how to proceed with this, I am told that varnish can cache C5 and I am working with a co-worker to change the varnish config to ignore the c5 cache control but how do I get C5 to return correct headers to allow caching?
I am trying to use varnish 5.0 to cache a number of C5 websites. The varnish config is setup and working. The problem I have is that the website content is not being cached. Digging into the issue it would seem that C5 is outputting a Cache-Cointrol: No-cache in the returned header which varnish is then respecting by not caching the pages. In C5 I have all of the a caching switched on in C5, I have added a cache control directive in the page header-top.php to use caching but all I get is no-cache. I am at a loss on how to proceed with this, I am told that varnish can cache C5 and I am working with a co-worker to change the varnish config to ignore the c5 cache control but how do I get C5 to return correct headers to allow caching?
This morning I decided to dig deeper and found that in fact it isn't C5 that's determining the Cache Control headers by in fact its the php config.
I changed the value of session_cache_limiter in php.ini see herehttp://php.net/manual/en/function.session-cache-limiter.php... from nocache to public and then set the correct session.cache_expire to the number of minutes I wanted caching to occur.
I can now remove the draconian directive in Varnish to cache everything and ignore the cache control headers.
I hope this helps out others