Calendar Addon with categories


I don't use the calendar addon myself yet.

Is there a way to categorize the events? E.g. when you add an event you can choose "Sports Event" or "Music Concert" or whatever. So you could filter the events later, so you see just the event categorie you wanna see?
Would this be possible somehow with attributes?
I saw since version 1.2 there is a "Featured Events" option so you can just see featured events. So there happens a categorization already. I would just like to add some more...
If I could not achieve this in an easy way with adding attributes or whatever, how is "featured event" option implemented in the database? Just with a boolean that's says yes/no if it's featured or is it a more sophisticated implementation already which allows extension more easily...?
So I could just go into the code and get into this by myself.

Just wanted to check before buy to think about the options/alternatives.
Building a small web app for our community.

Thanks a lot for any answer!

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Just guessing, but i think you can just use custom attributes