Call To Action Block page ref is not correct

I am investigating the possibilities of Concrete C5.
I installed C5 and I use the green yoghurt theme
In this theme you can add a CTA block, I chose the ref page in this block to a blog page and the appears to be domainname/blog instead of domainmame/index.php/blog as it should be.
Making a link to a page in the content of page with the editor the link is indeed domainmame/index.php/blog
With another theme I had the same experience.

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
It could simply be whoever wrote the block hard coded it without the index.php part. Index.php actually being in your URLs is a matter of turning on pretty URLs or not in the dashboard.
Wimgbax replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete C5 was brought to my attention because everything in this platform was tested and approved.
I only installed C5 with the theme already installed , nothing else.
One of the first things I tried ia not working so I am disappointed, I downloaded Simply Lime and there the call to action block has exactly the same problem.
Is the call to action block a standard block ?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you using Greek yogurt? Because I don't believe there is a CTA block included with the theme. Did you install the CTA block?
Wimgbax replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I am using Greek Yoghurt but as a test I installed Simply Lime where so far as I can see there is an Call To Action block.
In Simply Lime CTA didnt made a correct page reference as well.
I deactivated the Simply Lime theme and used Greek Yoghurt again.
Is it possible that those blocks from other themes stay installed?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, completely uninstall the lime theme from Dashboard > install to get rid of stuff from that theme.
Wimgbax replied on at Permalink Reply
I read that one of the strong points of C5 is that themes and add-ons from the market place are reliable.
The first one I picked is not correct.
Very disappointing.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Sometimes you get what you pay for. When a package is free the developer is not required to support it and sometimes bits and pieces of them get left in the wind due to core and php updates.

There are many good, very robust themes available in the marketplace, many of which will have working demo's for you to see how they function before making a purchase. Take a look around, as I'm sure you will find something that works for you!
Wimgbax replied on at Permalink Reply
I removed the theme , but the CTA block is still there.
I know that I can remove the block as well.
So the question remains was this block coming from the Simply Lime theme.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, you can see the list of blocks that come with it here:
Wimgbax replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes , I recognized the page now.
Is there a possibility to send the designer a message that CTA is not working.
At this moment I am learning what I can do with C5.
I have looked to several themes , demo's are in my view poor , some have a good documentation and video.
Prices are reasonable.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes. Click on support from the marketplace page for the theme and let them know!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
This is a bug in concrete5. It has been reported here:

There is nothing wrong with the work done by the developer of the theme although they would probably like to fix it before they upset more people so by all means report it to them.

I have attached a new file for you that solves the problem if you wish to re-install the theme and try again. Here's how to fix this:

1) Re-install the Simplylime theme.
2) Download the attached view.txt file and re-name it view.php
3) Upload the view.php file to '[root]/packages/simplylime/blocks/simple_cta/' folder and allow it to over-write the existing view.php file

That should fix it. I replaced the buggy code with stable code.
Wimgbax replied on at Permalink Reply
mhawke thanks very much, your fix worked