Can I add a page without a theme?

I want to add a page to my site without using any of the theme. Can I do that?

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Without a theme you will not have the necessary code for c5 to know where to put the content, so I would say No.
landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe you could just build a template (page type) for your current theme that just has the edit zones, but no styling.
yaffeweb replied on at Permalink Reply
The easiest way maybe to find a blank template in the market or build your own as suggested. If you don't know how to build your own or are just looking for something in the most basic form, a basic template would look something like this:
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));Loader::element('header_required');
<!--This is commented out incase your not using a stylesheet
<link href="<?=$this->getThemePath()?>/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> -->
<div id="SomeDivIdHere">
   $menu = new Area('SomeAreaNameHere');

The above "template" gives you one editable region aptly named SomeAreNameHere. You can follow the pattern by creating new divs and adding the "new area" code, each with a different name. Always leave the 'footer-required' at the bottom. I'm no expert at making themes and have only recently created a few myself so I am just passing what noob knowledge i have on to someone else just like others have passed their wisdom on to me. Here are a couple links that might help you out.There are couple different ways to build a template but in its most basic form the code above should work unless I jacked up and I'm sure someone can correct me.
FYI.. the code should be place in a file called default.php in the /themes folder of your c5 root on your webspace.