Can I integrate my blog in my C5 website

I'm an author and I'm building a website with C5. I currently have a blog and would like to integrate my blog in C5. Basically, I would like to set it up so when a visitor clicks the on the blog link at the top of my site, they will see the titles and a short extract. I need to do this as cheaply as possible because I'm only a poor writer.

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
You could try utilising the RSS block to fetch a list of your wordpress posts and display them wherever you need. It should just be a copy of finding your posts RSS/XML feed url, adding an RSS block to your concrete5 page and pasting in the RSS url when adding it.
edgarryan replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello @johnblood,
I think Mesuva has answered it significantly. You must go ahead and try to accomplish it. WordPress is very good for blogging hence if you integrate your C5 website with it then will be able to avail all benefits that WordPress serves to its users. For example, elegant themes, powerful-plugins, as available at and lots more website. You also get better SEO and advance functionalities from it.