Can I remove the Add Page functionality from the edit bar?

I would like to remove the Add Page functionality from the edit bar. I only want it to appear for the admin but not for additional group users. Is this possible>

Thanks for taking the time to help me out with this

TechBlessings replied on at Permalink Reply
This is possible using advanced permissions. Check out this how-to:

Hope that helps!

TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
It sure is, you would need to add advanced permissions,

in you config file, you would need to add this
define('PERMISSIONS_MODEL', 'advanced');

Then if you go to the sitemap, click on home "Set Permissions"

Then for your group, In my case Managers

tick the boxes "Read","Write","Approve"

The versions could also be used this allows users to roll back to previous versions of the page, Approve is the ability to make a change, if this is not ticked a user can make changes but those changes would need to be approved by an admin.

Ensure that the bottom dropbox at the bottom titled
"Sub-pages added beneath this page:" is "inherit permissons of this page"

This is then a sitewide.
You could also do this on a per page basis to restrict certain users adding certain pages and allowing some to add other pages.

You can also change the sub-page permissions top drop down box, this allows you to restrict the types of pages that can be added to a page.

you can find out more here
and here

**edit pipped to the post by Jason ;)

Hope this Helps