Can I transplant a block from one theme to another (both free) ?
I would like to know if this is allowed, that's all! :)

A free block, yes.
Blocks belonging to free themes must be free right?
On 1/16/13, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
Blocks belonging to free themes must be free right?
On 1/16/13, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
Free in the c5 marketplace usually means just free of cost. It does not mean free of any licence conditions or free of any copyright conditions.
Please consider that free themes are often free on condition that you keep a credit to the theme developer in the footer. So if you use a 'free' block from one theme in a site that is themed by another free theme, you may need to add a credit to the first theme developer, or maybe that developer does not want their block associated with someone else's theme.
Overall, best to always check the respective theme developers.
Please consider that free themes are often free on condition that you keep a credit to the theme developer in the footer. So if you use a 'free' block from one theme in a site that is themed by another free theme, you may need to add a credit to the first theme developer, or maybe that developer does not want their block associated with someone else's theme.
Overall, best to always check the respective theme developers.
Sorry for the late reply, busy week, thanks for the input!