Can someone explain the way the feature "Gracefully create account on checkout" works


We have a webshop where we want to make a buyer become a member during checkout, so that he/she can see the order history. And maybe save applying the "address" info every time they com back to buy.

From the feature list on the new 2.0 version it looks like this is one of the new features, but I'm a little unclear on how it is meant to work.

I have tried to enable on the product that the user should belong to a "special customer group", but then concrete5 force me to signin before I can go to payment. If I remove it I can shop without any login, but I don't know if my data are stored and I don't get any indication that I have created an account while I checked out.

So can anyone explain me the correct workflow when using this new feature or show me where I can read about it.

Thanks in advance

// Brian
