Can someone suggest an add on?

I am relatively new to C5 and know nothing about html but am getting where i need to be so far with the product but..I want to know if there is an add on that will simulate a power point template I have where customers can drag and drop components of a product until they have "built" the custom product they need. Can this be done? Thanks

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
If I am understanding your post correctly, then I believe there is one that could theoretically be used for something like what you're doing. It's called "Pure Web Avatars", and it's a block that allows the user to "build" their own avatar. Of course, you could probably configure it to suit your needs. Below is a direct link to it.

I hope this helps.
Heime replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks I'll give it a look

-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community []
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 12:26 AM
Subject: Can someone suggest an add on? : Building with concrete5