Can't get concrete 5 to let me build a new website, every time I log in,it opens up my existing one.

I left a question a day or two ago about using concrete 5 to edit my existing web,... and was told that concrete 5 can only edit a site that it created, that's ok, what
I want to do now is to build a new site (a fresh look of the old one,
with the same Url,) since all my business cards have that web address. When I have finished the 'new' site, I then want it to replace the old.
My current problem is that every time I log in, it doesn't give me
the option to start a new web site/page, or give me a 'dashboard' it just takes me directly to my existing web site, what can I do ???

thanks, Robert
I am running XP home on my laptop, and Firefox as my browser.

nteaviation replied on at Permalink Reply
I can think of 3 viable options:

1.) Create a new concrete5 site in a sub-directory of your current web space. This is a little dangerous because you are messing around with your production website. Backup your production site and be very careful on your concrete5 install.

2.) Run a local web server on your laptop and develop you site there. Then upload when finished. This is pretty complicated but keeps your production website safe.

3.) Install and develop on a development server and then move it to your production site.

I personally would use a development server laying around :) but in your case I would go with option one. Create a sub directory called something like concrete5. Install concrete5 there and access it via
To log in to the concrete5 dashboard use:

Once you have finished developing your new concrete5 website, backup your old one and move concrete5 to your web root.

Hope it helps :)