Can't select page type

I'm a newbie, and I had just started a website 2 days ago- yesterday I couldn't select or see any images, or select any options, when trying to add a page. Assuming it was something I did, I deleted the website and Concrete5 database and re-installed, but the problem is still there. This is both in Firefox and Chrome. Any help for someone who can't write code and is using this site at its most basic level?

sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
When I say I can't see any images, I mean the thumbnails for each page type are missing.
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
hmmm... no URL to check/view an unusual problem
who's your site host?
no indication of how you installed / re-installed (one click, manually via ftp ?)
was sample content installed at activation or left out?
no indication of what theme you are using or what add-ons may have been installed
Throw us a bone here please... unless someone else recognizes a problem they've dealt with before, its kind of hard to offer help :)
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Host site is dream host, used a one-click install (same with the 4 subsequent re-installs)- so not sure if sample content was installed or left out, just used the basic theme- Plain Yogurt, did not use any add-ons yet. When I first started the page, everything worked fine, but now I click "add page", the choose page type section lists the page types but there are no icons below each type and I cannot select a page type. Therefore, I cannot add a page. :(

Thanks for responding
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
Any chance of a url?

You could inspect the element and see if the image that should be used for the icon is actually being pulled in, this sounds like a permissions issue but on a one click install that should not be an issue?

The images should be being pulled from the /concrete/images/icons/page_types/ folders can you access these images?
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok- so I accessed the folder via the Dreamhost FTP and found the file tree you listed "/concrete/images/icons/page_types/" under the page_types listing there is a main.png and 3 template pngs which are consistent with the page type icons.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
using an inspector, firefox has firebug, chrome/opera/internet explorer have built in versions.

By inspecting the element you can see the url of the file and view the image

If you can get to the folder online, via file manger or an ftp program then check to see if its in there?

Have you run any updates on the site? or installed a custom thumbnail for a page type?

And is it only page type image you can not see?
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
ok so the images are in the default location now we just need to check what location the site is attempting to use. You will need to inspect the elements, or view the source of that page to see them.
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
I did not add any page types on this install. I had previously attempted to add one to my 1st install after the problem started- the name of my new page type showed up, but no icon, same as with the other page types. The problem may have started after I clicked on the update for Concrete5.

As far as I know, only the page type icons are missing- and my ability to select a page type. I did notice on my 1st install that the external link button on the edit content section for my blocks is disabled, but at least that I can work around.

How do I find where my site is searching for icons?
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
When you update the site, concrete updates its locations so instead of using concrete/images it will use, updates/concrete5.4.2.x/concrete/images

If this where to happen and your upgrade did not work/complete then this would indicate a problem there.

But you would need to know what image the page type is looking for, thats why I suggest using the inspector,

Right click on an element and "Inspect",

Hopefully Adreco can help you out, the fresh install should have helped sort it out? but then again if the update bit is in the config file then that could cause issues.

Either way let us know how you get on and the fix if you find one :)
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Protip: The people helping don't work for Concrete5 and are not getting paid to respond.
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Adreco replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hey sec64,
Whats odd is the problem occurred after initial set-up... if you updated, it would seem to be definitely be related to this. I can't figure out why the fresh installs are not correcting the problem though. I am currently using the current version on a few different servers without any trouble, but always manually upload them.
IMHO... Searching for an repeating issue on a fresh install is like teaching a pig to sing (its frustrates you and ticks (edit) off the pig!)

If you'd like, PM me on this site (click my icon image) and let me know if you'd like help manually uploading (via ftp) a fresh version of Concrete and see if this fixes the problem.
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! Excellent advice. I just started a manual install to see if that helped, I will definitely take you up on the help if I'm not smart enough to get it running!
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
So I did a fresh install via FTP and sadly the same problem is still there... I am going to try a different computer for editing and then for re-installing, no ideas after that. Thanks for the help with this apparently unusual problem.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
If you would like me to take a look at the site? please feel free to pm me the details, to keep it from being posted here

I would require editor rights to the conrete5 site temporarily but its easier to bug fix if we can see the error. (I would not need ftp)

I can't promise I can fix it but it is much easier to detect problems and where they lie.

As a quick note do you have Developer mode turned on

Along with error logging?
sec64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Update: my problem was not able to be recreated on other computers, so it must be something specific to my computer or browser, but obviously the Concrete5 is working just fine elsewhere. For now, I am having a friend add pages when needed and re-writing them when I get to them. We'll see if borrowing a friend's computer solves the issue.