Cannot add entry to express object

I receive the following error:
Argument 1 passed to Concrete\Core\Express\Form\AbstractRenderer::__construct() must implement interface Concrete\Core\Express\Form\FormInterface, null given

I've simply created an express object, created a form, and now try to add an entry via the dashboard.

What should I do here?

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
I've gotten the form to work by setting the default form from the Express entity settings for the object.

How do I set the default form programatically instead?
I'm setting this up via a package installer.

Cross reference:
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
To set default form views:

But for some reason my attributes added via $expressObject->addAttributeKeyControl still do not show up in the form!

How do I add a form control for the attribute programatically??? ( continued: )