Cannot change pagewith even after changing at main.css

After reading the forum, I changed my page based on plain yogurt /concrete/themes/default/main.css Line 14 to "width: 1200px;".

All columns according to that css should be in relative percentage to that value. But no change at all happened?
Cleared the cache, cleared my browsers cache - nothing!

Even worse: I cant get the "press-release" layout (with left and right side columns) to work.

Any clues???
A Newbie.

cmerritt replied on at Permalink Reply
I had a look at your page source and noted that you have updated to so the theme css being used is in updates/concrete5.6.2.1/concrete/themes/default/main.css

I hope this helps

ElBen replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your help!

Alas under /www/updates/concrete5.5.2.1/concrete there is no themes folder and /www/concrete/updates is empty
Could it be under /www/updates/concrete5.6.2.1_updater ?

It would be rather helpful to know where the used CSS are residing...
cmerritt replied on at Permalink Reply
The css will be in concrete5.6.2.1_updater, sorry.
If you over ride your theme by copying files to www/themes/default then it wont be effected by future updates.
ElBen replied on at Permalink Reply
Bingo, this did the trick. Now i will sift through the forum to find out how to reposition the vertical and how to prolong the horizontal lines....

But where did the "press release" layout (the one with three columns, one sidecolum left and right) go? - I can choose it, but nothing happens and in the CSS there is no section for it. - oh well, time for "column splitter" again I guess. :-)

Thanks for solving my main problem though!!
cmerritt replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The vertical line is part of the back ground image.
I would like to help some more but i am in Australia and its 11.40pm so I need to sleep.
ElBen replied on at Permalink Reply
Than hit the sack dude! :_)

I am already editing the nav-horizontal_divider.gif (double width)
and the nav_sidebar_right|left.gif (double width and shifted pixelline)

This answers the Question where two sidecolumns are - nowhere. I would need a "Nav_Sidebar_Left_and_right.gif"....

Oh well thanks from Switzerland!! Enjoy the coming summer down under. We re goint o another a**** freezing winter....
ElBen replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey yo down under!

Figured out how to change the colum-width in the main.css
One thing makes me wonder nevertheless:
I do find 3 instances of "main.css"

www/concrete/themes/default/main.css: Seems to do nothing.

www/themes/default/main.css: Has to be dragged over manually. Then it's the one determining the site.

www/updates/concrete5.6.2.1_updater: This would be the effective one if I had none in the above one.

So could someone enlighten me what the topmost main.css (and the whole /www/concrete-tree is effective for and where the best location for custom blocks, css, themes and plugins would be, so they do not get overweritten at each and every update of plugins, or concrete itself?

For example /www/packages/jb_ecommerce_express/css/magenta.css:
Either I can modify the JS, so I can have a "Druidgreen" green.css included (better) or I can just modify the existing magenta.css so it becomes a nice green sheme. - Every single update of the package is overwriting both methods....

Thanks from a snowed in swiss mountain (900m.s.l)
