Cannot create a new page type without right sidebar

No matter what I do, when I create a new page type, the page defaults always has a right sidebar!

Here's what I'm doing:

I copy my full.php file within my themes folder into a new file named "newfull.php."

At this point, that file only has these contents:

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?>
   <div id="central" class="no-sidebar">
      <div id="body">   
         $a = new Area('Main');
      <div class="spacer"> </div>      
<?php $this->inc('elements/footer.php'); ?>

Then I go to Dashboard / Themes / Inspect to generate the new page type.

Then I go to Dashboard / Page types and pick Defaults. There is always a right sidebar there!

Help! Thanks so much......

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
What theme are you using?
nrh replied on at Permalink Reply
Just using a copy of the Default (Plain Yogurt) theme...