Can't Add to Main in Custom Theme

Hi there, sort of new to C5. I have an HTML page which I thought was correctly converted for use in C5 but I can not edit the main content area. It shows up in Edit Mode but nothing happens, no popup, when clicked. Any ideas? I would appreciated the help - this site is for a client. I know a bit about coding within these files but am no means an expert. Thanks!

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you attach your theme file (such as 'left_sidebar.php') from '[root]/themes/iews'. The rendered HTML doesn't tell us what's wrong. We need the real file. You will have to change the extension to .txt to attach it here.
Erinsp1re8 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here it is and thank you so much!!!!
I have added what I thought were the necessary php tags and such but...I messed it up somehow.
shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
at first glance, you have used $a twice:
$a = new Area('Main');
$a = new Area('Footer');

for now, try converting one of them to something else:
$a = new Area('Main');
$af = new Area('Footer');

if now working, remove javascript codes from the page, maybe they caused js error or collision.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Nothing wrong with using $a twice or as many times as you need to create new areas..

Do you have separate header.php and footer.php files or are you using a single php file without header/footer?
Erinsp1re8 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi! I am using a single file with no header and footer files.
irsah replied on at Permalink Reply

1. Try to seperate headers and footers in an your_theme/elements/ folder and page file in the your_theme/ folder. Doubt the culprit but who knows.

2. Try removing js lines like below as it might interfere with c5 pre-loaded libraries in header_required.php

<script type="text/javascript">
   window.jQuery || document.write('\x3Cscript src="scripts/1.1/jquery-1.7.min.js" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');

You can also try to take out one by one the js functions accordingly, to see if any other js is also making the edit mode not to show up. I also suspect the other js codes and script libraries. It's good to test it out though.

*edit* agreed with weyboat, you can add more areas (for a page) but must have unique names (area id's) for it. Hope it helps out.

Erinsp1re8 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi irsah! Will give all that a try right now - thanks! Here's hoping...
mhawke replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I'm going to be the bad guy here but I would start over with a theme from the concrete5 marketplace (free or paid). I spent about an hour trying to get your default.php file to work on a local system and there are so many discombobulated elements and z-index issues that I think you will spend much, much more time trying to get this theme to work in concrete5 than you will take starting over with a purpose-built concrete5 theme.


This theme was obviously built by an automated system which is fine if you are just using the html output it provides but it was clearly not meant for customization.

Sorry, just my opinion.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Thumbs up for mhawke!
Erinsp1re8 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi mhawke, no worries :) I won't be mad at the messenger and thanks so much for taking the time to look into my file issues. Unfortunately, a designer on my team built this and it is the design the client wants. I have to figure this out somehow :(

I will keep tinkering and hope I can get this to launch...

Thanks everyone for responding and your suggestions! Greatly appreciate every bit of help, Erin
IdmGlobal replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Erin, did you ever get this to work? I'm having the same problem, though I wrote the html myself and then converted it. I'm fairly new at both web dev and concrete so it's highly possible I missed something. Hope this gets to you!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Erin's problem was pretty specific to her HTML. Perhaps you should start a new thread and explain what your problems are so we can keep the two issues separate.