Can't edit content in site area

I'm trying to create an Editor User Group and they aren't able to edit any of the content, and am setting permissions for them to do so.

I have the Edit Group set to be able to:

System & Settings > Task Permissions: Access Sitemap, View Site in Maintenance Mode
Pages & Themes > Page Type Permissions: Add Pages of This Type, Edit Page Type, Edit Contents
Site Map > Home > Permissions (Inherit the permissions to all sub pages):
View Versions, View Page in Sitemap, Edit Contents, Approve Changes, Add Sub-Page

The weird thing is that now _I can't even edit the pages_. I can click the "Edit" button to enter edit mode, but when I hover over a site area, the cursor doesn't switch to a pointer and I can't click to activate the dropdown.

I can't click the gear icon or the plus icon in the top tool bar either.

I have tried adding
div#ccm-highlighter, div.ccm-ui, div.block {z-index:100!important;}
but that doesn't change anything.

I have one JS Error. Even though I removed that function from the main.js file and have cleared the cache, it still shows up.:
TypeError: $("#interior-renovation-cost").costCalculator is not a function. (In '$("#interior-renovation-cost").costCalculator', '$("#interior-renovation-cost").costCalculator' is undefined)".

I was able to edit content just last week. I haven't made any big changes to the theme other than some mobile styling, since then.

Running v

Any thoughts?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi leviticus,

After removing the call to the costCalculator function, did you clear your browser cache (in addition to the concrete5 cache)?
leviticus replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks MrKDilkington for trying to help me sort it out. Turns out it was a js error in conjunction with a missing expression in one of the theme files. My best guess is an older file got uploaded to the server by mistake. Hopefully it's all sorted now!
leviticus replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I did clear the browser cache and tried different browsers.

I think the JS error is cleared now. Must have been a server thing.

I also tried re-uploading the original css files without my modifications. This also did not help and I still cannot click on any of areas to edit the content.

I'm currently re-uploading a fresh install of v5.7.5.13 to see if that makes a difference.
leviticus replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, so re-installing the core code didn't help. Any thoughts on to what I can try next?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

"I also tried re-uploading the original css files without my modifications. This also did not help and I still cannot click on any of areas to edit the content."

What CSS files are you referring to?

How was the costCalculator JavaScript added to the page?

Are you you using a custom theme and/or custom blocks?

Have you modified any concrete5 core files?
leviticus replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
The css files I referred to were the theme's css files that I modified (/application/themes). That was the only change I had made prior to not being able to edit content. I re-uploaded the theme's original css files to see if the mobile styling I did was the problem, but re-uploading them didn't solve the editing issue.

The script located in a separate .js file and is being loaded in the footer of my theme
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= $view->getThemePath() ?>/js/main.js"></script>

Yes, I'm using a custom theme, which was working fine before last week.

I am using a custom block I made to insert a simple button. I'm attaching the files. Though, I had added that early in development. I don't believe it is causing any issues.

I have not edited any of the core files. I have only made changes to my theme in /application/themes/
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

If you activate the default Elemental theme do you still have the issue?

Just to clarify, you don't have any browser console errors?

If you don't experience the issue with the Elemental theme and don't have browser console errors, this may be a CSS issue. The following tutorial can help you resolve it if it is CSS related.