Can't find free addon that does what I want

How can I go about globally changing a theme's meta tags?
The actual code, not just the colour of hyperlinks or backgrounds.

I'm feeling very limited in my control over how C5 works. But then again I'm still a green pea.

I want to add custom JS, CSS, etc. to a theme.
I haven't gotten into creating my own theme yet, but that shouldn't matter. A theme is a theme but the code is what I'm tying to modify on a global scale, not on a per page basis.

Any help would be fantastic! thx!

webnut replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I figured it out, but if anyone wants to chime in I'm ll ears.

So I've decided to alter the active theme header.php file.
It's hardcoded, and updated themes will break it, but If I do design a custom theme then it should work.

Still not sure if this is the correct way to do this.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
The header.php is part of the theme that you are using,
If you change themes the header.php file will also change..
If you create a theme you must create your own header.php as part of the theme creation process.
when you create a page for your site, the header.php is automatically included along with the footer.php and the default.php (or which ever page type your have chosen)