Can't open PDF files on website

I'm having problems with the file attachments on a website For some reason, when you click on any of the PDF file attachments, you get an error message - either the page cannot be found, you don't have permission, etc. I've checked each of the files to make sure they've been uploaded properly and that they are set to allow access but I can't figure it out. The files are copies of our pastor's sermons and our monthly newsletter. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
The file needs to be a pdf file with the pdf extension and the path needs to be right.

Your link will not work:

<p><a title="May.27.2012.pdf" href="/index.php/download_file/view/40/131/">Living Pentecost Today</a></p>

I usually create a download folder on my server called 'download'.

Then put my files in the folder and call them with a link.

<a href="">Super pdf file</a>