chance to help and win some big karma: packing up concrete5 for
So we've been contacted by the folks at ClearOS about including concrete5 in their stack.
These guys are basically offering a stand alone open source based small business stack. If you're a small company and want to have a server in the closet with your own mail server, calendar app, etc - this is a great solution. They've got their own install process that looks like it heavily weighs on RPM.
We're at a point where we simply cant dedicate an internal resource to figuring out how their stuff works and updating concrete5 when new versions come out. If someone wants to take this on, it'd be a great help to the community and worth 2500 karma points and some cred on the developer pages.
I've attached their developer integration PDF if you want to peruse this. Thanks in advance!
These guys are basically offering a stand alone open source based small business stack. If you're a small company and want to have a server in the closet with your own mail server, calendar app, etc - this is a great solution. They've got their own install process that looks like it heavily weighs on RPM.
We're at a point where we simply cant dedicate an internal resource to figuring out how their stuff works and updating concrete5 when new versions come out. If someone wants to take this on, it'd be a great help to the community and worth 2500 karma points and some cred on the developer pages.
I've attached their developer integration PDF if you want to peruse this. Thanks in advance!