Change "Public Date/Time" to DD/MM/YYYY
How can I change the Public Date/Time when editing/adding a page to by DD/MM/YYYY and not the US version of MM/DD/YYYY ?
How can I change the Public Date/Time when editing/adding a page to by DD/MM/YYYY and not the US version of MM/DD/YYYY ?

try changing these values and stick them in the site.php
Thanks, I had tried that before from another post.
It is only now that I see that all the dates are in fact wrong for DD/MM/YYYY - I have corrected that and it seems to be better. Although this isn't used everywhere.
For example, the jQuery datepicker is still incorrect. Any ideas on how to neatly configure that?
It is only now that I see that all the dates are in fact wrong for DD/MM/YYYY - I have corrected that and it seems to be better. Although this isn't used everywhere.
For example, the jQuery datepicker is still incorrect. Any ideas on how to neatly configure that?