Change post date with Blogga

I need to change the date of a post when using the blogga add on. I have tried to go into the page/post properties and change the "Public Date/Time" but that did not change the posted date.

I also looked at the custom attributes for the post, and I didn't find anything regarding any date field.

Any ideas?

I am very good with SQL, so if I need to update a table, I have no problem doing so - but I would need to know which table to update.

Thanks in advance

mesuva replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It's been a while since I configured blogga, but I recall this was because the blogga_page template used getCollectionDateAdded instead of getCollectionDatePublic (hence why changing the date doesn't update it).

I copied /packages/blogga/page_types/blogga_page.php to /themes/MYTHEME/blogga_page.php
creating an override, and I switched the functions there (and did a whole heap of customisations as well). Hope that makes sense.
globalnerds replied on at Permalink Reply
That worked! Thanks! Do you know how to edit the blogga tags?
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Great. In what way do you mean edit? Do you mean change the way they display (or remove them), or do you mean how to add more tags?
globalnerds replied on at Permalink Reply
edit the name of the tag. So if the tag was cat and now I want it to be dog, but without changing all of the posts related to that tag. Those posts would now have "dog" as a tag instead of cat.
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
I've got a feeling that they are individual for each blog post (page), so you'd have to remove them and re-add them to each page. I could be wrong, but I don't think blogga has a 'central' store of the tags that have been applied. I haven't really used the tags that much, sorry.