change the footer
PermalinkI have a little problem, i cant find the file witch control the footer on my page.
I though it was the same as the file footer.php witch was in the theme folder, but its not..
I changed it long time ago, but i cant find it now :O
Its the same file where it stands, something like, "this page is build with concrete5"
Is there any one who could help me finding that file,
Im usin Karma theme
- Thanks
Then save it and upload. After that clear your cache & it will show up the changes.
The footer.php. looks like:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?> </div><div class="container"> <footer> <div class="footer-line"> <p class="pull-right"><a href="#"><i class="icon-arrow-up backtotop"></i> Tilbage til toppen</a></p> <p>©<?php echo date('Y')?> <?php echo SITE?>.<br /> <span><a href="http://" target="_blank"> <?php echo t('')?></a></span> <?php $u = new User(); if ($u->isRegistered()) { ?> <?php if (Config::get("ENABLE_USER_PROFILES")) { $userName = '<a href="' . $this->url('/profile') . '">' . $u->getUserName() . '</a>'; } else { $userName = $u->getUserName();
And the footer looks like (attached file)
Its like i cant change some text in the footer.php
But not in the footer.php ? thats whats wirred me, how can i change that ?
I have to put in some thing in the footer,
Kastanielund Brahesvej 14 5600 faaborg Telefon: (+45) 21823790 E-mail: CVR-nummer: 35315896
Here prints the current year which is 2013 and
<?php echo SITE?>
Simply edit that file, its the original footer.php
I've tried placing the custom footer.php in httpdocs/elements -- no luck
httpdocs/themes - again no luck
Copied all files from httpdocs/packages/name of current theme/ to httpdocs/themes/name of current theme/ - again no luck.
I've cleared both the browser and concrete5 caches each time.
Can you give me a hand as to where I can place my custom footer.php file so it gets loaded without being overwritten every time my theme gets upgraded.
BTW - I'm running v.
Thanks in advance