change the footer
I have a little problem, i cant find the file witch control the footer on my page.
I though it was the same as the file footer.php witch was in the theme folder, but its not..
I changed it long time ago, but i cant find it now :O
Its the same file where it stands, something like, "this page is build with concrete5"
Is there any one who could help me finding that file,
Im usin Karma theme
- Thanks
I have a little problem, i cant find the file witch control the footer on my page.
I though it was the same as the file footer.php witch was in the theme folder, but its not..
I changed it long time ago, but i cant find it now :O
Its the same file where it stands, something like, "this page is build with concrete5"
Is there any one who could help me finding that file,
Im usin Karma theme
- Thanks
Hi my theme folder is completely empty =
Then it is the cache. Try to clear it.
didnt change anything ?
If you want to edit your footer, just open the karma theme under the packages folder, then open the footer.php and edit it as required.
Then save it and upload. After that clear your cache & it will show up the changes.
Then save it and upload. After that clear your cache & it will show up the changes.
Thanks, but, it still not right.. hmm,
The footer.php. looks like:
And the footer looks like (attached file)
Its like i cant change some text in the footer.php
The footer.php. looks like:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?> </div><div class="container"> <footer> <div class="footer-line"> <p class="pull-right"><a href="#"><i class="icon-arrow-up backtotop"></i> Tilbage til toppen</a></p> <p>©<?php echo date('Y')?> <?php echo SITE?>.<br /> <span><a href="http://" target="_blank"> <?php echo t('')?></a></span> <?php $u = new User(); if ($u->isRegistered()) { ?> <?php if (Config::get("ENABLE_USER_PROFILES")) { $userName = '<a href="' . $this->url('/profile') . '">' . $u->getUserName() . '</a>'; } else { $userName = $u->getUserName();
Viewing 15 lines of 32 lines. View entire code block.
And the footer looks like (attached file)
Its like i cant change some text in the footer.php
I cannot understand your exact requirement. Do you want to have an editable area into footer?
As you can see at the image, there stands, "©2013"
But not in the footer.php ? thats whats wirred me, how can i change that ?
I have to put in some thing in the footer,
Kastanielund Brahesvej 14 5600 faaborg Telefon: (+45) 21823790 E-mail: CVR-nummer: 35315896
But not in the footer.php ? thats whats wirred me, how can i change that ?
I have to put in some thing in the footer,
Kastanielund Brahesvej 14 5600 faaborg Telefon: (+45) 21823790 E-mail: CVR-nummer: 35315896
Well it is printed through php code. This is the line which show the text "©2013"
Here prints the current year which is 2013 and prints the site name that you have set into dashboard Site name Section.
Simply edit that file, its the original footer.php
Here prints the current year which is 2013 and
<?php echo SITE?>
Simply edit that file, its the original footer.php
I've customized my footer and it looks exactly the way I like. However, since I've overwritten the theme's footer, when the theme gets upgraded my custom footer will get overwritten as well.
I've tried placing the custom footer.php in httpdocs/elements -- no luck
httpdocs/themes - again no luck
Copied all files from httpdocs/packages/name of current theme/ to httpdocs/themes/name of current theme/ - again no luck.
I've cleared both the browser and concrete5 caches each time.
Can you give me a hand as to where I can place my custom footer.php file so it gets loaded without being overwritten every time my theme gets upgraded.
BTW - I'm running v.
Thanks in advance
I've tried placing the custom footer.php in httpdocs/elements -- no luck
httpdocs/themes - again no luck
Copied all files from httpdocs/packages/name of current theme/ to httpdocs/themes/name of current theme/ - again no luck.
I've cleared both the browser and concrete5 caches each time.
Can you give me a hand as to where I can place my custom footer.php file so it gets loaded without being overwritten every time my theme gets upgraded.
BTW - I'm running v.
Thanks in advance