Changed my HTML into C5 can't get Nav to work like it does in my HTML site
Permalink<nav id="nav"> <ul> <li class="current"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li> <a href="#">Dropdown</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Lorem dolor</a></li> <li><a href="#">Magna phasellus</a></li> <li><a href="#">Etiam sed tempus</a></li> <li> <a href="#">Submenu</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Lorem dolor</a></li> <li><a href="#">Phasellus magna</a></li> <li><a href="#">Magna phasellus</a></li>
And replaced with this:
<?php $a = new Area('Nav'); $a->display($c); ?>
So I could edit and add a Nav block in C5 but it won't use the CSS properties I have set.. how do I do that?
- do you want to know how to include the css ? or
- how do you include the css ?
- if so, was it loaded ?
- do you get errors in your console ?
- what version of c5 do you use
<div id="header"> <!-- Logo --> <?php $a = new Area('Logo'); $a->display($c); ?> <!-- Nav --> <nav id="nav"> <ul> <li class="current"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li> <a href="#">Dropdown</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Lorem dolor</a></li> <li><a href="#">Magna phasellus</a></li>
That is what I have for header section... I just want to know how's come it doesnt work and use the CSS in the main.css file for the header but everything else works??
<header> ... </header>
<header> <!-- Logo --> <?php $a = new Area('Logo'); $a->display($c); ?> <!-- Nav --> <?php $a = new Area('Nav'); $a->display($c); ?> </header>
i'll look at it later
<div id="header"> <!-- Logo --> <?php $a = new Area('Area Name'); $a->display($c); ?> <!-- Nav --> <div id="nav"> <?php $a = new Area('Nav'); $a->display($c); ?> </div> </div>
the 'display:inline-block'
where is that ?
#nav > ul > li { position: relative; display: inline-block; margin-left: 1em;
But does it behave, what is it that is not working ?
Add some screenshots etc.
part of the css is working ?
I guess not,
How do you include the css ? do you use registerAsset / requireAsset ?
Take a look at concrete\themes\elemental\css\build\header.less
You probably took the nav out of the header section ?