Changing a theme's default page type
In the theme I am using, it is using the default.php as the default page type for all pages that I am unable to set a page type for. In particular, I am working in the E-commerce module. So all my cart, and billing screens and all, use the default.php as the look.
I have manually updated that file - nothing happened on the site. Deleted and created a new one - nothing happened on the site. Each time, I deleted the site cache after the change to ensure the site was fully cleaned.
The whole issue comes down to this. The theme I am using had a page type with a right side bar as the default. And I do use that on several pages. But on the ecommerce stuff, I want it to be full page instead.
So am I missing something? Or am I doing it all wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have manually updated that file - nothing happened on the site. Deleted and created a new one - nothing happened on the site. Each time, I deleted the site cache after the change to ensure the site was fully cleaned.
The whole issue comes down to this. The theme I am using had a page type with a right side bar as the default. And I do use that on several pages. But on the ecommerce stuff, I want it to be full page instead.
So am I missing something? Or am I doing it all wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I don't know e-commerce module... but maybe it is using not default.php, but view.php? How does view.php looks like?
OH!!! The one file I didn't bother looking at! haha... I had looked right over it for days because I thought it was a simple full page wrapper, the way that other posts talked about it.
You were right though. The secondary column is in there. So I guess now I have to find a way to change view without damaging the rest of the site. This maybe way more work than I thought I was getting into!
Thanks so much for the reply MysteriousCleon. I appreciate your help!
You were right though. The secondary column is in there. So I guess now I have to find a way to change view without damaging the rest of the site. This maybe way more work than I thought I was getting into!
Thanks so much for the reply MysteriousCleon. I appreciate your help!
I'm pleased to help you. :)
Try to read something about "single pages" - view.php is used for them. Changing it probably will not blow up whole page. ;)
Try to read something about "single pages" - view.php is used for them. Changing it probably will not blow up whole page. ;)
What I was hoping to find was a way to designate a specific page type as the "default" for the site. So basically just control it through a line of code that says "for single-pages, use this base template". Is there not a way to do that?
I have been through the site for several days, and even bought the C5 book, but nothing has answered that yet.
I have been through the site for several days, and even bought the C5 book, but nothing has answered that yet.
I'm not sure if understood you properly. Single pages use view.php - but you can chnge view.php as you want. You can put there any page type - just have to remember to put
instead of
Generally that's all. So you can set any page type you want. Once. For all single-pages. And it's just working.
<?php print $innerContent; ?>
instead of
<?php $a = new Area('Main'); $a->display($c); ?>
Generally that's all. So you can set any page type you want. Once. For all single-pages. And it's just working.