changing dashboard after package install

Hi, I have been building a package for a site that I am working on. Had some help and learning from this forum. But one of things that I thought would be the simplest - is not working. I have a folder structure that is like this -

teams being teams.php ( controller file)

and another in single_pages/dashboard/teams
again teams is teams.php ( single page )

add being add.php ( controller file)

and another in single_pages/dashboard/teams/add
again add is add.php ( single page )

Anyway I registered these as single pages in package install. And they work

But on the dashboard it is creating only one link ( the add ) and the teams is the panel around it. So I tried to install a single page (list) and just have it redirect to the team which is actually the list. Here is the problem - if I try to do this in the dashboard - pages and Themes - single pages. Where the list is I fill in
which points to my list.php file - I get the error-
"That specified path doesn't appear to be a valid static page.That specified path doesn't appear to be a valid static page."

Is there something strange because of the first part of the path which is on a local server? Can't get it to work. Also I see that in other packages people are adding single_pages different ways. Which is the best way to register on install?

hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If you structure your package like this

/single_pages/dashboard/teams/view.php (blank)

Then in the /controllers/dashboard/teams/controller.php have this
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
class DashboardTeamsController extends Controller {
   public function __construct() { 

And to add the Single Pages when you package is installed I usually use this for each of the single pages I am installing
$teams = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/teams', $pkg);
if (is_object($teams) && !$teams->isError()) {
   $teams->update(array('cName' => t('Teams'), 'cDescription' => t('Manage Teams')));
$teams_list = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/teams/list', $pkg);
if (is_object($teams_list) && !$teams_list->isError()) {
   $teams_list->update(array('cName' => t('List'), 'cDescription' => t('List Teams')));
$teams_add = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/teams/add', $pkg);
if (is_object($teams_add) && !$teams_add->isError()) {
   $teams_add->update(array('cName' => t('Add'), 'cDescription' => t('Add Teams')));

In the Dashboard then the Header of the section is called Teams and then there are List and Add options inside the section.

I hope this helps.