changing images automatically

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Hi, My client asked me to add a changing banner image, ie a diferent image changing automatically. I have searched around and im shure its quite simple but I haven't been able to figure it out yet, could anybody point me in the right direction?

haysweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Um, have you tried creating a scrapbook with your images? Once you create the scrapbook, you can place the scrapbook on whatever page of your site you want.
Multishow64 replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah, I have them in a scrapbook, the problem is I need them to change automatically every 5 seconds or so...
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
If your banner image area is set up to be edited, try in the marketplace.
Multishow64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks to all for your replies. The add=on you mention is exactly what I need, but instead of changing every time someone opens the page I need it to change automatically while the user is on the page.. any ideas?
thanks again!
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
That's what the Slideshow block does. It's already included with concrete5.
Multishow64 replied on at Permalink Reply
Im sorry man, you are right. My first idea was to use the slideshow but as I remembered it, it had a image selector section which I do not want, but you are right, its perfect.
thanks so much,
Multishow64 replied on at Permalink Reply
I got it up and running, but the images link to the image file, is there a way to make them link to a specific URL?
thanks again!