Changing the C5_EXECUTE definer
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How can we change the C5_EXECUTE in defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");?
Has anyone tried this and is it possible?
Has anyone tried this and is it possible?
And why are we doing this?
this is just checking to see if the concrete5 environment has loaded, so there really shouldn't be any need- it won't display anywhere.
Yes of course.
Thank you kindly for both of your answers. Why? Well I was just looking to see if there was anyway of changing this code. No specific reason if I am honest.
Thank you kindly for both of your answers. Why? Well I was just looking to see if there was anyway of changing this code. No specific reason if I am honest.
umm there is 1 way... :P search and replace ;) but if anything changing it will break stuff
Is this a proven way? Have you executed this method with results that you were happy with?
I have not done it as there is no point to it and can even cause things to break.