Changing the Footer
First, I'm not a programmer, but a designer. I'm trying to build my first concrete5 site. I'm trying to change the (c) info on the footer and also trying to remove the "powered by concrete5". Can you help me? Again, I'm not a programmer, so I'll need very specific instructions. I'm also willing to pay for support. I just need to get this done.
Need to know which theme you are using.
Can you modify the php files?
Can you modify the php files?
I'm using Greek Yogurt. Not sure how to modify the php files. I know…I maybe shouldn't have attempted this, but like to expand my skills. I'm a pretty quick learner, but sometimes I need to get a step by step walk through.
At this point I'm willing to hire someone to "fix it"!
At this point I'm willing to hire someone to "fix it"!
Path to file: Site - concrete - themes - greek_yogurt - elements - footer.php.
Lines 26 and 27.
Lines 26 and 27.
If you are using a marketplace theme, the procedure may be the same, but first contact the theme developer and see if they have built in anything easier.
You can sort out the copyright with:
You may also be able to adapt a template to remove the c5 link and text.
As a general pointer, the topic to search for in forums, howtos, docs etc is 'Whitelabelling'.