Changing theme

This may be a really stupid question, but i have launched my site with my own custom theme - working fine, no problems at all.

But I have had to redesign the home page [default.php] and i've created a new them.

my question is, can i transition my site over to the new theme [practically identical] without any loss? I have a feeling as long as i keep my php NEW AREA's named the same i should be fine? but i am reluctant to do so till i get confirmation.

Any advice on this?

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You should be relatively safe as long as your areas are named the same and you keep any custom code required to run blocks or functionality in your theme. You may find that some content may need reformatting to fit your new theme.
tstrudwick replied on at Permalink Reply
that's what I was thinking.

i am replicating all my page types with slightly tweaked css, but the block names haven't changed.

thanks for the confirmation!