Clean Up Project page


I was hoping someone could help me with cleaning up my Project Page. I have a number of add-ons that show for a given project with a link showing 'localhost...'

This project has since moved to a live server so I was hoping to update the link. How can I go about accomplishing this?

Thank you.

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
easiest way is probably to connect to the community from your live site, remove the old project, and then re associate the licenses to the new project.
concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Does that mean I have to reinstall all the add-ons and make all edits, etc. again that I've made to these add-ons already?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
as long as all the packages were moved to the live server successfully, there shouldn't be any issues (sounds like this is the case).

Releasing a license from a project does not "uninstall" an add-on or remove a license, rather it releases the license for association with a different project, making that project able to look for updates!!
concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, thank you for the explanation. I will give it a shot.

I just wanted to make sure as I'm about ready to launch the website.

concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, it says it's already connected to concrete5, but shows it as the localhost; is there a way to reconnect it?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I dont believe so. Since the site was moved...

I had an issue recently where i cloned a site and connected it using the exact same url and it created a new project, and i was therefore forced to release the licenses and apply them all to the new project.
concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Well the project link takes me to the page with all the add-ons showing associated with a project and main URL it shows for the project is the localhost, although it does show other "found" URLs.

Do you recommend I:

1) Delete the localhost project (this one), as I see it should disconnect my site from Concrete5, and should also release the add-ons, and then
2) reconnect and reassign the licenses?
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
and have you actually connected your live site to c5 through the dashboard ?
concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I have earlier.

What I currently show in project page are two projects (for the same website).

1) Project name - URL: live website URL
2) Project name - URL: localhost (under Found Locations it does list the localhost link, plus the live website link twice with different dates)

Under Project #1

I have one add-on associated with the project.

Under Project #2:

I have all add-ons associated with the project that are currently running on this website.

In my dashboard on the live site, when I click on the project link, it takes me to Project #2.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
ok, so if one of your projects is directly linked with your live site, and has other add-ons installed through it that work just fine... What i would then do is remove the "localhost" project and re-assign the licenses to the working project! Should be a smoothe process!!
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
That is a bit of a weird situation you have there.

To put this in it's simplest terms, you could remove ALL of your projects. This will simply release all of your licenses. Then, through your site dashboard, re-connect to the community and re-associate all the licenses you need.
concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, thank you enlil, I'll give it a shot.
concreteart replied on at Permalink Reply
Well I deleted the projects and reconnected my site.
I was able to reassign most licenses to the project: the theme, ecommerce, payment method, and Registrant Group. Three other licenses though completely disappeared... (Social Icons Reloaded, AddThis, and Maintenance Editor). I guess I just don't worry about that then?

Thank you for the help.