Cleaning up outputted code

Hi guys and gals,

First of all, thank you to anyone that takes the time to take a look at this.

Secondly, before I get started, please know I am a very content user of C5 (in fact I LOVE IT) and I hope this post in no way seems like a complaint as it is not supposed to be at all.

I have created a few C5 sites for clients and both them and I have found it great however I was always a little disturbed at the messy code layout when viewing source code as I have had previously full time position interviews that looked over the cleanliness of the source code.

I was just wondering if there was any way of programatically cleaning up the source code (whether it be indenting hard left all the way down or dreamweaver style indenting).

Just curious if anyone else has managed to achieve something along these lines.

It's not a huge concern and I won't invest the time in running through each and every code to fix it manually and I certainly would never expect that of the core team... Just wondering if there is anything out there?


Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
a lot of the code is generated programmatically, so i suppose developers could do more things like:

echo $this->outputSomeHTML()."\r\n";

so that there were at least some line breaks in the generated html source. but honestly i don't think many developers really think about that kind of thing when they're coding.

any other ideas out there?
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
or are you talking about the php source?

if so, can you point out some examples?
mobius2000 replied on at Permalink Reply
Your first post was basically what I was getting at...

I am certainly not suggesting anyone changes the way they work, as you said, it really isn't a big issue and to me and I'm sure everyone else, content is infinitely more important than the source code layout.

The main reason I though to bring this up was because I found some chatter about ways of cleaning up the CSS programmitcally by php and thought there may be something along those lines for the rest of the source code.
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
as zend is needed for concrete5, you could use zend view helpers for html output, described at