CLI command "orm:schema-tool:update" does not respect the ENV variable.


I want to share my considerations about the following issue:

Some days ago we've started a migration concept for our concrete5 Webs in order to upgrade them from 8.1.0 to 8.3.1 Version.

We've used a bash script that runs some of concrete5 cli commands.

Our Webs have more than one databases or better more than one enviroments.

In order to fix a Bug with the Address Attribute ( we had to trigger a schema-update
What we've unfortunatelly found out is that the cli orm and dbal commands have not an ENV parameter (similar to concrete/bin/concrete5 c5:update --env envname) in order to respect that.

Points to discuss:
Had anyone of you a similar issue?
Is there maybe something that i miss here?
Could that be a useful enhanchment for the future?

Thanks for your time.
