Client wants a few pages in Chinese!!

A client is asking if its possible to have a few pages on his site duplicating and translating into Chinese, he has the text already translated and I have duplicated the pages but when I paste the chinese in it just shows up as question marks.
I guess its something to do with the doctype which I currently have as:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en">

I have tried adding
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> to the head section and removing <html lang="en"> but this doesn't seem to work. I'm not an expert when it comes to this king of stuff so can this be easily done?

Thanks in advance.

oakleafg replied on at Permalink Reply
Tried a few things and it just won't work, works fine as a static html page but as soon as I try it in concrete I get question marks!!!

Here is what works fine when set up as a static html file...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<p lang="zh" xml:lang="zh" dir="ltr">以后 走 四种辅音韵尾 以福州话为代表, 贵州 五四运动之前所使用的书面语叫做 由于日常使用和文学上使用的文字不同 过 看 通常 广东东部 台湾和港澳三地日益加深的经济联系, 性 例如日语 广西东南部等地 由于日常使用和文学上使用的文字不同 云南, 根据根据切韵涉及到的 使用客家话的人口大约占总人口的 新加坡和东南亚的华人社区繁体汉字则通行于台湾 和 另外 不是简化 江西沿江地区 或 输入, 过 国标 辞海和辞源等汉语言工具书 在不同的方言区的人的语言意识也有定的区别, 或 六种辅音韵尾 它可以分为早期 常用汉字的个体差异不到% 成语 因此 格 湖南东南部 汉语与欧洲语言 在现代汉语的书面语中, 成语 我去了书店 中国的不同方言的语法是相似的 这些资料仍然是现代语言学家工作的基础 过 相反 在中国大陆使用 汉语语法中由词序 常用汉字的个体差异不到% 或, 没有方言差异造成的书面交流障碍 不同于把所有的简体中文和繁体中文都归并到个字库中 头 以后</p>

I have done the exact same doctype and charset in my concrete header and added the <p lang="zh" xml:lang="zh" dir="ltr"> into my page but as soon as I hit update it changes all the characters to ?????

guess i'm missing something, just wondered if I need to set up <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> as a page attribute like the meta description etc but not sure how to go about this.
oakleafg replied on at Permalink Reply
I have done a work around for this which is a bit of a pain but it works (luckily he only wants 4 pages in chinese).
I have set up a separate page type for each page that needs to be in chinese and just hardcoded the translated text into the html.
This works fine but I would love to know why when its added in the content editor it becomes question marks when the update button is clicked.
Please let me know if anybody has a solution to this.

chesterkwan replied on at Permalink Reply