Clip Board
Hi Team I have a really annoying issue. My fault should have checked it actually worked before using it!
I have 300 pages with an easy accordion block which i had to manually add the add layout to because you can't use this in page defaults and i can add the layout into the page design as that not how the block works. Or use global area!!!!
Now I used the copy to clip board function for each of the menus sub sections . Thinking that if i updated the original all the other block which state they are linked to original will update so I don't have to go through every page again.
BUT THEY DONT.... What a stupid function you should just take it out if you can't edit what's copied to the clipboard at any point ever.
I am not wanting to go thought them all over again!!!!
Is their a way to edit this in the database? or anything?
Or have i missed something? I guess i should have used stacks???
I liked the global scrapbook!
I have 300 pages with an easy accordion block which i had to manually add the add layout to because you can't use this in page defaults and i can add the layout into the page design as that not how the block works. Or use global area!!!!
Now I used the copy to clip board function for each of the menus sub sections . Thinking that if i updated the original all the other block which state they are linked to original will update so I don't have to go through every page again.
BUT THEY DONT.... What a stupid function you should just take it out if you can't edit what's copied to the clipboard at any point ever.
I am not wanting to go thought them all over again!!!!
Is their a way to edit this in the database? or anything?
Or have i missed something? I guess i should have used stacks???
I liked the global scrapbook!

Don't you have the option, when you click on the original block in edit mode, to "setup on child pages"?
Hi Yes I realise this.. But if you copy to clip board and it displays the message this is linked? Would you not assume it was linked to something?
I have how ever got around this I as not going to re-edit all the pages. So if some one else has this issue.
Using PHPmyadmin Access locate the inside table "btContentLocal" And find the block in here using search and you can update the content by hand (lucky mine was a html block) SAve.
Then clear site cache and reload the page. and all 300 pages done at once.
Bit of a pain but much quicker in the end..
I have how ever got around this I as not going to re-edit all the pages. So if some one else has this issue.
Using PHPmyadmin Access locate the inside table "btContentLocal" And find the block in here using search and you can update the content by hand (lucky mine was a html block) SAve.
Then clear site cache and reload the page. and all 300 pages done at once.
Bit of a pain but much quicker in the end..