Collection Handles NOT Unique??
Are collection handles supposed to be unique within the Collections table of the DB? I realize they are not primary keys within the schema, but I always assumed they were intended to be a "human readable" unique identifier for a collection - hence the getByHandle() static method. Yet I just discovered that they are not. It's very easy to create two collections with the same handle using the dashboard sitemap. That challenges my notion of what a collection handle is and how it should be used.
So I guess I need some clarification on whether the ability to create duplicate handles is intentional, and if so, is there a way to get a specific page without knowing its cID?
Thanks for any clarification you can provide,
So I guess I need some clarification on whether the ability to create duplicate handles is intentional, and if so, is there a way to get a specific page without knowing its cID?
Thanks for any clarification you can provide,

I'd guess they're *supposed to* be unique, but the core code is probably missing validation to ensure that two of the same handle don't get entered (might be good for the mysql table to have a unique index on that column to enforce it at the database level as well).
Thanks, Jordan. That was my thinking as well. I guess I'll submit a bug report on it.