Complex "Blocks" (modules)

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Hello, I just read through most of the tutorial entitled "Creating a New Block Type." It was a fairly good/informative read; however, it provided me with nothing truly in-depth.. What about service layers or data-mappers? All it talks about are the utmost basics which is also important but I still need something further.

Anyone or anything out there to help me out?

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
What exactly are you trying to do with your block? If you don't have a specific goal in mind, I think the best way to learn is to look at the code of the blocks that are included in the system (in the concrete/blocks/ directory of wherever you installed Concrete5), or download some of the free addons from the marketplace and look through their code (note that marketplace addons come in the form of packages -- the block code will be inside the "blocks" directory of the package that you download).

If you want some more specific guidance, I'd be happy to help -- but I'd need to know more exactly what it is you want to do (i.e. what do you mean exactly by "Service Layers" -- what purpose would this "service layer" serve?)

mmmshuddup replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey thanks for responding!

Best explanation I could give is that the system I currently work with has an application layer which is the top most layer followed by a Service Layer. This is for forwarding the application logic appropriately for "services" such as email or searching or whatever the case may be. This helps to keep the classes loosely coupled.. Also, I've implemented such patterns as the Factory pattern and the observer pattern into my modules and I guess I feel like that would be difficult to accomplish in Concrete5..

Perhaps we should have a more private discussion? I just noticed last night that there are training courses offered.. I might strongly consider that if I knew that I definitely would walk away immediately being able to make my modules (blocks) and what not inside Concrete5.. Not like a C5 expert or anything but I mean well-equipped I guess.

Anyhow, the reason I'm asking all of these questions is I am trying to make an informed decision on completely abandoning my current system for Concrete5 which of course would mean I'd have to remake all of my modules and things like that from scratch.. :S haha