Composer approval

Have set up a page type for composer called Event and created advanced perms for both the page type and sub pages so that the group Editors require approval on any edits.

I tested composer when logged in as user under group Editors and created a new page. I was allowed to publish the page without any approval. I then went into edit the page after publish which required approval.

My question is how do I achieve approval on composer created pages for this group. I have attached screenshot of versions which shows the page was approved by same user and now requires approval for future edit.

1 Attachment

Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
After further testing I find that if i add sub page to create a Event though the sitemap or through the website the approval is required and works as designed. This does not work when the user goes through the Composer route to create the same page and no approval is required.

Any comments before I put this through as a possible bug
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Can anyone confirm if they have the same issue. Basically composer does not take into consideration permissions set up. I understood Composer was a good alternative to creating pages through the website.
laporte replied on at Permalink Reply
I just discovered the same issue. A user without approve permission can bypass the approval process by editing in composer.
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
I have created bug tracker please add a confirmation to it as well. Thanks