Composer for frontend?!
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Hi All - I've got a nice new page type... with some custom attributes etc.
I'd like users on the frontend (registered site users in a new group without access to the dashboard and the edit bar) to be able to create pages using a composer like screen/popup and select where in the site it should go... (a little like a forum, but slightly more complex)
Id probably have to copy the composer single pages into the frontend and do some hacks to get it to work... as it will need a page selector, file uploader etc OR just create a single page from scratch to do this...
Just wondered if anyone has seen any adons that might do something similar or if this is something that other people would use?!
I'd like users on the frontend (registered site users in a new group without access to the dashboard and the edit bar) to be able to create pages using a composer like screen/popup and select where in the site it should go... (a little like a forum, but slightly more complex)
Id probably have to copy the composer single pages into the frontend and do some hacks to get it to work... as it will need a page selector, file uploader etc OR just create a single page from scratch to do this...
Just wondered if anyone has seen any adons that might do something similar or if this is something that other people would use?!

There are no add-ons that do this that I know of. I think this would be quite useful as an add-on, as I would need for some projects of my own. Maybe I could look into developing this add-on.
Yep - Think I'm going to spend a few evenings putting this together.
Just got to decide between a new single page etc or re-using the composer code! :-S
Just got to decide between a new single page etc or re-using the composer code! :-S
I would re-use the composer code, but make it in the form of a front-end block.
You can always just drop a block into those pages and set it to not cache for registered users and check perms to show it. Make it a button the pops out the custom front end edit form. That seems to be the most effective method for me.
After spending an hour moving the composer into the frontend...
Its quickly becoming apparent that its interlaced into the permissions model and hacking it around to allow a "Registered User" to create pages is painful... It all works up to the point that the user can create pages but then has the standard edit bar (to add a new page)... and because its group based anyone can edit anyones page...
I suppose this could be hacked by hiding the edit bar....
Just trying to think of another approach... shame, this would have worked well!
Its quickly becoming apparent that its interlaced into the permissions model and hacking it around to allow a "Registered User" to create pages is painful... It all works up to the point that the user can create pages but then has the standard edit bar (to add a new page)... and because its group based anyone can edit anyones page...
I suppose this could be hacked by hiding the edit bar....
Just trying to think of another approach... shame, this would have worked well!
Quick update... found a way to bypass those permissions - amazing what a quick break can do!
Going to spend a little more time on this and hopefully have something up and running soon - would appreciate people feedback when its ready!
Going to spend a little more time on this and hopefully have something up and running soon - would appreciate people feedback when its ready!
Hey there , did you find a solution for this ?
Yeah - I've now got a fully functioning composer which is available via the frontend. There are quite a few mods required to get it working but essentially its just a new group of single pages with some custom permissions over the top.
I think I am going to bundle it up as an add-on when I get 5 minutes
I think I am going to bundle it up as an add-on when I get 5 minutes
Cool sounds really interesting I will have a go ...looking forward to seeing your add-on if you get time thanks
Did you manage to pack this up as an addon? If not would you might providing steps to incorporate this.
Did you manage to pack this up as an addon? If not would you might providing steps to incorporate this.
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