composer - handling of images
In composer (set up for blog_entries), the default background color is black when editing pictures.
If a picture doesn't fit the actual size (which is define in concrete/blocks/image/composer/header.php) the remaining part will turn out black.
How can I change this to white?
Hoping any of you have a hint that can guide me in the right direction
If a picture doesn't fit the actual size (which is define in concrete/blocks/image/composer/header.php) the remaining part will turn out black.
How can I change this to white?
Hoping any of you have a hint that can guide me in the right direction
I don't exactly have an answer, but it appears the utility that let's you scale / crop the images in written in flash.
Take a look at the crop_image.php file under /concrete/blocks/image/tools folder and the thumbnail.php file under /concrete/blocks/image/composer
My guess is that the flash utility just uses the black background and there is no way to change it. But I could be wrong, just haven't managed to work out if it can be changed.
For now I guess you just need to make sure you don't scale the image so that it becomes smaller than the target size.