Composing Pages via a prescribed form?

Rather than the traditional way of adding content to Concrete5 by adding pages, I want to give a users a way to add/edit new pages by completing a form on an existing page, this would avoid users needing to go to the Sitemap, Add Page, etc etc.

Basically, a system that permits less IT-literate people to add content. Editing might be slightly tricker but I am happy for this to be done via Sitemap, its only really the addition of content that needs simple automation, perhaps with a 'Preview' process, before 'Publish'.


enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
If you're interested in a ready made solution, this add-on:
is a solid choice. Very user friendly. Easy add/edit/preview interface. Includes auto draft save feature.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
sergeant replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I have seen this before but haven't ventured into investigating how it works, looks great!