Concrete 5.7 addon development

I want to create an addon for concrete 5.7. Where there will be two views for adding texts. For this in main controller I have witten

$page1 = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/my_custom_texts', $pkg);
$page1->updateCollectionName(t('My custom List'));

$page2 = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/my_custom_texts/my_custom_textscat', $pkg);
$page2->updateCollectionName(t('My Category List'));

In concrete/packages/my_custom_texts/controllers/single_page/dashboard/my_custom_texts/my_custom_textscat.php

I have written
namespace Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Controller\SinglePage\Dashboard;
use \Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\DashboardPageController;
use Loader;
use \Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src\TextcatPageList;
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
class MyCustomTextscat extends DashboardPageController {
   public $helpers = array('form');
       public function view()
           $ctextList = new TextcatPageList();       
           $paginator = $ctextList->getPagination();
           $pagination = $paginator->renderDefaultView();

In concrete/packages/my_custom_texts/src/Textcat.php
I have written
namespace Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src;
use Concrete\Core\Foundation\Object as Object;
use Database;
use Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src\TextcatArrayList;
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
class Textcat extends Object
    public static function getByID($sID) {
        $db = Database::get();
        $data = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM btmycustomtextcat WHERE sID=?",$sID);
            $ctext = new Textcat();

In concrete/packages/my_custom_texts/src/TextcatPageList.php
I have written
namespace Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src;
use Database;
use Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\Pagination;
use Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Database\ItemList as DatabaseItemList;
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineDbalAdapter;
use Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src;
use Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src\Textcat;
class TextcatPageList extends DatabaseItemList {
    public function createQuery()
        ->orderBy('sortOrder', 'ASC');

In concrete/packages/my_custom_texts/src/TextcatSingleList.php
I have written
namespace Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src;
use Database;
use Concrete\Core\Search\Pagination\Pagination;
use Concrete\Core\Search\ItemList\Database\ItemList as DatabaseItemList;
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineDbalAdapter;
use Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src;
use Concrete\Package\MyCustomTexts\Src\Textcat;
class TextcatSingleList extends DatabaseItemList {
    public function createQuery()
        ->orderBy('RAND()', 'DESC')

But in view
when I am writting
<?php foreach ($textslist as $tl) : ?>
<?php     echo($tl->sID)?>
<?php endforeach;?>

It is showing error Invalid argument supplied for foreach().

Need help to fix this.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
There is nothing glaringly obvious here, you will need to go through your package and put echo statements in key places to make sure that the right functions are called and return what you expect.
Pluto replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello hutman,
In concrete/packages/my_custom_texts/controllers/single_page/dashboard/my_custom_texts/my_custom_textscat.php I wrote
public function view()
           echo "Show my custom texts";

even that is also not displaying.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you changed any of your file structure/paths since you installed the package? The correct paths/namespaces must be in there before installation or they won't work. Also, do you have all caches turned off and debugging turned on?