Concrete 5.7 Class Not Found

Hi, I'm trying to use a controller linked to my single page and I always get this error [see attached file].

Here's my controller code :

namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage;
use Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\PageController;
class Produit extends PageController
    public function view($blockID = null)
      //$this->set('bID', $blockID);
      $this->set('produit', 'test123');
   // Récupère le data du bloc cliqué.
   public function getProduit() 
      $db = Loader::db();
      $data = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM exaproduction.btproduit WHERE bID = ? ",  array($bID));

I've search a lot on google and I found nothing about it ...
Thanks a lot !

1 Attachment

exasystems replied on at Permalink Reply

Can't understand why I can't include any of Concrete's Core classes
exasystems replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem solved.

Had to replace the use by only 'use PageController;'