Concrete not logging in
I am building a site for a client, and today a problem appeared, that whenever I try logging in the page just loads without going anywhere.
I have no idea what could cause this problem. Did anyone encounter such a problem?
If no one did, does anyone know of a way I can copy all my work over to another server and test it there?
I have no idea what could cause this problem. Did anyone encounter such a problem?
If no one did, does anyone know of a way I can copy all my work over to another server and test it there?
If the above does not work, could we get some background info (Concrete5 version, Web Host Provider)?
Is this a new install or did it just happen out of the blue? Were any changes/updates made just prior to the issue? Are you using "pretty URL's"? Have you changed anything in the /config/site.php file?