Concrete update errors

Hi I think I may have caused this problem but hopefully there is a way around it.

I was working on concrete and was having issues with the spell checker so I decided to upgrade to but when I went to the upgrade tab, concrete was saying I already had the latest version. Anyways what I did (which in heinsite was not a good idea) was download the latest version and install it. i then imported my database from the previous version and moved my packages,themes and files into the updated concrete5.

Site works well except for the following.

1. When I include the buttons for the sitemap and file manager in the header, the icon does not appear and they do not open up properly. - see attached pics.

2. In my attributes section when I create a new attribute there isn't a drop down to select which set to assign to the attribute.

I just figured out today how to do manual update and I tried that with my version that I backed up. The above errors do not occur. The problem is there have been a ton of updates to the new version and when i link it to the new database, the errors appear again, so there is a problem with the current database.

How do I get those updates to appear in the working version without having to redo everything?

2 Attachments
