concrete5 5.7 Now Released
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that version 5.7 has just been officially released!
It's been a long road and there are many, many updates.
You can download it, watch a video and read more about what has changed at the links above. This release requires PHP 5.3, and is our biggest release yet. We'll be updating our documentation over the next few weeks. Since 5.7 requires add-on and theme rewrites, 5.7 doesn't actually ship with any marketplace integration. That, and other updates, will be coming very soon. But right now please download and dive in.
It's been a long road and there are many, many updates.
You can download it, watch a video and read more about what has changed at the links above. This release requires PHP 5.3, and is our biggest release yet. We'll be updating our documentation over the next few weeks. Since 5.7 requires add-on and theme rewrites, 5.7 doesn't actually ship with any marketplace integration. That, and other updates, will be coming very soon. But right now please download and dive in.
Looking forward to trying out 5.7.
As a Concrete developer, I have a lot of themes and addons in the marketplace. Is there a guide on what I need to do to make my items compatible with 5.7?
As a Concrete developer, I have a lot of themes and addons in the marketplace. Is there a guide on what I need to do to make my items compatible with 5.7?
Here's a guide showing you what I had to do to get my (simple) zoom image package working:
The post is longer that it has to be, at the end, it's pretty simple..
The post is longer that it has to be, at the end, it's pretty simple..
Still waiting for a stable
Where is the download link for the Beta?
Where is the download link for the Beta?
Its beautiful and wonderful! An extension of the older version.
Great opportunity to be first in the marketplace with a slew of new add ons and themes.
Great work, guys and gals.
Great opportunity to be first in the marketplace with a slew of new add ons and themes.
Great work, guys and gals.
Thanks Steven!
Thank you very much for these helpful links !
I'm working on a new theme but i can't get it working..
my package is theme_anitya and my theme is anitya
First it seems that my page_theme.php doesn't have a valid namespace ? :
After for the installation of the theme from the package controller, it seems that i just need to install it as ? :
without at the start of the controller : ?
And after for installing a page-type, i think that i will need to use :
Thank you very much for these helpful links !
I'm working on a new theme but i can't get it working..
my package is theme_anitya and my theme is anitya
First it seems that my page_theme.php doesn't have a valid namespace ? :
namespace Concrete\Package\ThemeAnitya; class PageTheme extends \Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme {
After for the installation of the theme from the package controller, it seems that i just need to install it as ? :
PageTheme::add('anitya', $this->pkg);
without at the start of the controller : ?
use Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme
And after for installing a page-type, i think that i will need to use :
are you deriving your package controller from PageTheme?
Can you please post the whole theme so we can see everything in context?
Can you please post the whole theme so we can see everything in context?
Thanks Remo, here the zip file of the WIP Anitya
Someone who didn't work with PHP namespaces I guess ;-) If you want to use the name PageTheme, you'll have to alias it. Instead of this
use this
use Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme;
use this
use Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme as PageTheme;
you might also be able to use the aliases set by concrete5, check this
Thank you Remo, you're right namespace is a bit 'space' for me !
The same error appear always on page :
Class \Concrete\Theme\Anitya\PageTheme does not exist
The same error appear always on page :
Class \Concrete\Theme\Anitya\PageTheme does not exist
that's probably because of a bug in 5.7..
This code:
Checks whether your theme has a custom controller or not and since your theme doesn't have one, it shouldn't set pThemeHasCustomClass to 1.. If you check your PageThemes table, you can see that pThemeHasCustomClass is 1, set it to 0 and the problem is gone..
(If you have any more questions, please create a new discussion)
UPDATE: Sorry, you do have a custom controller, but its namespace has to be changed too
UPDATE 2: It seems like page theme controller are only loaded if they are part of the core Probably needs a change for 5.7.1..
This code:
Checks whether your theme has a custom controller or not and since your theme doesn't have one, it shouldn't set pThemeHasCustomClass to 1.. If you check your PageThemes table, you can see that pThemeHasCustomClass is 1, set it to 0 and the problem is gone..
(If you have any more questions, please create a new discussion)
UPDATE: Sorry, you do have a custom controller, but its namespace has to be changed too
UPDATE 2: It seems like page theme controller are only loaded if they are part of the core Probably needs a change for 5.7.1..
Yeah we kind of screwed this up pretty hard. We will be doublechecking package installation and uninstallation with themes, blocks, single pages and attributes today, make sure it's solid and then get out the door so that marketplace developers have something really stable to work with.
Did you solve the problem?
I installed concrete and after that, I loaded the theme Anitya to Application, everything was fine untill I tried to install the theme from my dashboard and the same error appear always on my page :
Class \Concrete\Theme\Anitya\PageTheme does not exist.
Did you solve the problem?
I installed concrete and after that, I loaded the theme Anitya to Application, everything was fine untill I tried to install the theme from my dashboard and the same error appear always on my page :
Class \Concrete\Theme\Anitya\PageTheme does not exist.
Can you try with the last version of concrete ?
Can you try with the last version of concrete ?
Congrats c5 Team & Community!
5.7 is a beautiful revamp, with great development tools upgrades.
I'm really impressed by the hard work done since the first alpha snapshot last year.
Looking forward for some migration tools and community involvement.
5.7 is a beautiful revamp, with great development tools upgrades.
I'm really impressed by the hard work done since the first alpha snapshot last year.
Looking forward for some migration tools and community involvement.
Since 5.7 is now using Doctrine, instead of the old ADODB stuff, is there any plan to ditch the db.xml files and rely on Doctrine ORM completely for packages etc… ?
if so, any guidlines would be appreciated :)
if so, any guidlines would be appreciated :)
The db.xml functionality was ported to doctrine (on purpose I guess)
Well I guess the purpose could be "to make the legacy addons work" :)
What about new ?
What about new ?
To my surprise Doctrine doesn't appear to have a portable database schema format. They do have their mapping file XML, but that's just the ORM. We use the ORM for some things in 5.7 (mostly as a proof of concept) and it's there for developers, but I can't imagine getting the core to a place where we wouldn't need db.xml files because everything was in ORM.
If there is a portable schema language for Doctrine DBAL (the database layer below ORM that we use for everything instead of ADODB) I'd love to know about it. Right now as Remo said we've just written our old parser for AXMLS files, and it actually works pretty well.
If there is a portable schema language for Doctrine DBAL (the database layer below ORM that we use for everything instead of ADODB) I'd love to know about it. Right now as Remo said we've just written our old parser for AXMLS files, and it actually works pretty well.
Not to hijack the thread, but I believe you hinted that the doctrine migrations stuff did manage to get in to the core over on
So it might be "feasible" to ditch the db.xml files in a trade off for using those. Then we're using more of a programming interface and less of a markup formatting though.
So it might be "feasible" to ditch the db.xml files in a trade off for using those. Then we're using more of a programming interface and less of a markup formatting though.
that is true - but i wish that something could actually generate that code if that's the case. That was one of the nice features of ADODB's AXMLS (which we now no longer have), the ability to generate the schema file.
> On Sep 15, 2014, at 7:29 AM, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
> On Sep 15, 2014, at 7:29 AM, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
BTW found some minor issue about the parser, the type in the XML file need to be uppercase for it to work ;) otherwise it just generate an error … (still working onto fully grasping 5.7 code anyway).
That said, I guess that since now we are going to use our own flavor of XML code, at least we can maintain it better (and document it better too).
That said, I guess that since now we are going to use our own flavor of XML code, at least we can maintain it better (and document it better too).
BTW, just posted a pull request to fix that one
let me try! let me try! ;)
I have finished all translations for pt-BR, files that are in; please where is place to put details about this to make available for download with concret5.7.3.1.? or are other especific topic to handle this? thanks for your time!
Looking at the release notes is a nice reminder of just how much work has been put into 5.7.
I'm excited to be a part of it, and I can't wait to start my next build!