Concrete5 and Heavy Traffic Sites

It has just come to my attention that C5 is eating a ton of processor on our hosting servers.

We run Windows 2008 and IIS 7 with 3 processors and 4GB RAM.

Sites I'm testing with use things like jquery, superfish and home page slider.

If 10 or more vistitors come to the site at once the processors shoot to 90+%. When even more visitors come the processors will peg at 100% and sites can't keep up with traffic. During non-heavy traffic times the processors run at about 20%.

Any clues to what can be hapenning or how to correct?


12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
BAC replied on at Permalink Reply
I sent you a message with some domains. It's actually every domain we host -- they all seem to take tons of processor once site gets busy.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried caching? Google "iis apc" or "iis memcached".

And I also found this one but I believe it doesn't have a built-in adapter in concrete5:
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
caching might help,
you can also try to turn off style customization
its not running slow though. maybe the processors are misreporting their usage?