Concrete5 and HTML5

I am pretty eager to learn and use HTML5 on my Concrete projects... Do one need to change the DOCTYPE? And can HTML5 elements be used in a HTML4 environment?

Basically.... does anybody use HTML5 with Concrete5 and how is that going?

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, concrete5 lends itself to HTML5 really well in my opinion.

Although I've only done one site in HTML5 using concrete5 so far, it felt pretty straightforward. This site here:
I'm planning to shift all my dev to html5 soon.

I used as a template base, this:

I'd suggest you check out this thread for some relavent discussion (I have a few comments in it myself):

If you are going to use HTML5, make sure you spend some reading about it. Yes, there is a specific html5 doctype to use, and you'll need to be aware of how to set up pages so that the newer html5 tags can be understood by older browsers.

I've read and that gave me a lot of good information (there are lots of free resources on the web too if you're not keen to buy something).
I've heard that 'Hardboiled web design' is a pretty popular book that covers html5 too, but I'm yet to read it.

As I think I sort of said in the thread I posted, using html5 properly is really about understanding semantics and the reasons behind why html5 came about, not just using the same code as html4 but with a different doc type. Good luck!
monofon replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for the reply...

Thing is i`m not much of a database modeller nor am I php-programmer, and since Concrete is pretty much reliant of this, can I then use a blank HTML5 template for anything?
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
The blank templates are just that, blank, so you can style them for anything.

To be honest though, there's no particular reason why you need to build your site in html5. Html4 is perfectly fine for building sites, it hasn't suddenly stopped working or become inappropriate to use.

Concrete5's default blocks (and the others in the marketplace) are going to spit out html4 anyway, so doing things in html5 is perhaps a little more work as you would have to do more overriding.

Building a site in html5 site doesn't make it immediately better, it just allows developers to use some more modern approaches to things and some new tags. If you're more interested in developing your site than the technology itself, just stick with good old html4 I reckon!
monofon replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok... Good advice. Just seems wise to get well accuainted with what probably is the future standard