Concrete5 and Lazy Loading Images
Why isn't a lazy-loading option built-in to Concrete5 and/or the themes?
Without this functionality, what do you use to lazy load images?
Native support is available, but only in Chrome releases above 75.
I'm considering using lozad.js ( ) and editing the theme files.
Thanks in advance
Without this functionality, what do you use to lazy load images?
Native support is available, but only in Chrome releases above 75.
I'm considering using lozad.js ( ) and editing the theme files.
Thanks in advance
Although Lozad is a cool script, it doesn't deal properly with picture tags for some reason. You should try LazyLoad instead
It's a little bigger, about 6ko instead of 2 but it will deal with the picture tag.
Although Lozad is a cool script, it doesn't deal properly with picture tags for some reason. You should try LazyLoad instead
It's a little bigger, about 6ko instead of 2 but it will deal with the picture tag.
These followed up on some discussion on Slack (which has likely aged-out by now)