Where and how to change coding to display image directly in express detail
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Thank for the help.I change the question and help me if you know
Where and how to change coding to display image directly in express detail
Where and how to change coding to display image directly in express detail
Could you add the specific example back to your question? It will be hard for anyone to help without a specific example.
I attached the screen shot phpto.
Image does not show directly in express detail.
Where I can change from coding to display image
Image does not show directly in express detail.
Where I can change from coding to display image
Thanks. Can you post your code too?
I don`t know that where is the file and folder about express detail.
Thus I would like to know where the file is to edit about image
Thus I would like to know where the file is to edit about image
You can customize the page type and display a thumbnail for the image like this:
or the whole image like this:
or the whole image like this:
Thanks. It has been OK about express list(blocks/express_entry_list/view.php) but I don`t know the file to change for express detail
This is blocks/express_entry_detail/view.php
This is blocks/express_entry_detail/view.php
Thanks for reply and advise.
Now It worked the following code in concrete\blocks\express_entry_detail\view.php
Now It worked the following code in concrete\blocks\express_entry_detail\view.php
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?> <?php if (isset($renderer) && isset($entry) && is_object($entry)) { $photoFileObject = $entry->getImg(); if (is_object($photoFileObject)) { $photoFileObjectVersion = $photoFileObject->getVersion(); $photoRelativePath = $photoFileObjectVersion->getRelativePath(); } ?> <img src="<?php echo $photoRelativePath; ?>" width="100%"> <div class="detail_p"> <p class="detail-t">BBBBBBBBB</p> <p><?=$entry->getBbbbbbbbbb();?> </div> <br>
Viewing 15 lines of 20 lines. View entire code block.
Great job! Problem now solved?
Yes, problem was ok
Thank a million
Thank a million
Or some other part of the code? What error do you see?